ITAB Group

ITAB was the global procuring partner for retail equipment and lighting for most of the large format retailers globally, but the market was changing and they needed to adapt. 

The Brief

We were brought in at the invitation of Nick Hughes, Global Senior Vice President of Strategy & Transformation, to explore how ITAB could utilise their skillsets to their best advantage in a global marketplace that was ever-changing.

ITAB was keen that Yellowyoyo challenge their approach and thinking and review the talent and skills inherent in the business. We were then tasked to facilitate the C-Suite towards an approach that would result in a new exciting proposition for their customer base.

Our Solution
The approach was to transform the business from being procurement partner to their existing client base to that of strategic partner.

ITAB would be operating with clients at C-Suite level – further up the value chain. They would be finding solutions to their clients’ new, 21st Century issues regarding in-store brand experience, utilising skills already present within the ITAB team:

  • consumer brand experience
  • conversions and sales
  • operational efficiencies and services
  • operational cost

Nick Hughes has now been put in place as Global Senior Vice President of Strategy & Transformation to oversee the development and roll-out of the global programme

Yellowyoyo’s guidance and facilitation was the catalyst towards ITAB adopting a successful new global business approach.

We came to them when we wanted to explore how we could better utilise our skillsets to our best advantage in a global marketplace that was rapidly changing.

The thinking that they facilitated helped us to develop an approach that we have now adopted globally and has radically changed the way we approach our support for clients.

We are delighted with the inspiration that Yellowyoyo provided for this transformation.

Nick Hughes – Global Senior Vice President of Strategy & Transformation / ITAB

Their ability to go above and beyond for their clients is incredible


4 simple phases to preparing for and achieving growth


Discovery Call

The opportunity for you and us to ask relevant questions and test the potential team chemistry



We help you open up issues inherent in your business and begin to indicate the plan to solve them


Strategy Created

The strategy to optimise your business platform and growth, together with the tasks required to achieve what’s agreed


Strategy Executed

We work with you to deliver the strategy and boost sustainable growth to enable a successful exit

Book a discovery call

At the beginning of a relationship, building confidence in the partnership potential and asking pertinent questions is key.

This is the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Take our free ‘How ready is your business for exit?’ assessment

This quick assessment that takes just two minutes to complete. We’ll then share your benchmark score and a plan on how to improve on it.