
Team McLaren exists to reach out and engage with fans and enables them – for a small annual fee – to get closer to the team and the action.

We worked with McLaren to produce a programme of events aimed at activating and promoting Vodafone McLaren Mercedes F1 partnerships.

Following these events we were given the opportunity to design and fully project manage their stand at Autosport International, The Racing Car Show at the NEC.

The Brief – Grand Prix events

The Brazilian Grand Prix Screening was a trial to gain feedback from members directly and provide a blueprint for future events.

The prime objectives were:

  • To promote the benefits of exclusive Team McLaren membership and grow the membership database.
  • To utilise the event as a test case on which to build the ‘Team’ and ‘Family’ values expressed by the membership, providing exciting opportunities for members to attend and bring guests.
  • To identify and create opportunities for Partner involvement.

Our Solution – Grand Prix events

The event was held at the Manchester Airport Hilton Hotel commencing at 1pm for guest registration, followed by lunch and a pre-race talk and Q&A.

All areas of the event (registration, lunch, screening room, simulator and photography) were branded with Team McLaren banners, Brazilian flags and Union Jacks. Alongside Yellowyoyo, the full McLaren event team were on hand to manage and run the event and to provide support to members and guests.  Feedback questionnaires were completed, and video testimonials captured.

The entire member database was invited via email during the first week of November, with subsequent follow-up emails and a confirmation email to those who had booked.

The results were very positive, with members’ desire to participate in future events being overwhelming and it being obvious that future opportunities exist for extending partner relationships. New members were recruited on the day, their quality feedback providing valuable information for future events.

We have a great brand and know that individuals and businesses alike wish to get involved with us. 

The more difficult part is getting the mix right. 

Yellowyoyo did a great job for us in creating cracking events – we were really impressed.

Matthew van Gessel, Head of Consumer for Team McLaren

The Brief

The stand that we designed and project managed at The Racing Car Show was the first time McLaren had participated in such an event.

The main objective was to promote the benefits of exclusive Team McLaren membership and grow the membership database. 

Our Solution – The Racing Car Show

The aim of the stand was to:

  • Provide an excellent experience for existing members
  • Drive sign-ups of new memberships for adults and children
  • Maximise the exposure of the Team McLaren and Vodafone McLaren / Mercedes brands
  • Continue with the series of events that ‘give back’ to the membership whilst taking every opportunity to grow the membership
  • Identify and create opportunities for McLaren Partners involvement and act as a precursor to the overall event discussions for 2013

The stand needed to reflect the values and principles behind the McLaren brand with regard to design, build quality, graphics communication and Team McLaren personnel. 

Yellowyoyo were responsible for not only the stand design, graphics and build management, but also for sourcing the on-stand photography, the commissioning, organising and briefing of support staff and the general onsite running of the stand.

In addition to the purchase of McLaren merchandise and club membership, there was the opportunity to have photographs taken with a McLaren F1 show car and members could also try their hand at driving around Monaco in the McLaren simulator.

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