It’s time to announce the three charities that have won our support as part of #yellowyoyoturns25 celebrations!
And the winners are…
Sailing is one of the very few sports in which able-bodied sailors and disabled sailors can participate on equal terms. MK Sailability encourages young people and adults with learning difficulties and disabilities to take up the sport and facilitates sites to develop sailing opportunities.
Baby Basics MK is a non-profit charity dedicated to supporting families living in Milton Keynes and the immediate surrounding area who are in financial hardship. They offer a wide range of essential items, from clothing, toys and sleeping equipment to feeding equipment, toiletries and baby food/formula.
The Lewis Foundation source, package and hand deliver free gifts and support packs to adult cancer patients in hospital every week – items they might find difficult to buy themselves or simply cannot afford. It can be a sad, frightening and lonely experience for individuals undergoing cancer treatment, and for many people in hospital, The Lewis Foundation volunteers are their only regular visitors.
Each of our winners significantly impacts their respective communities. We can’t wait to collaborate and help in our small way to bring about positive change for those they serve.
Our thanks to everyone who participated in the nomination process, for sharing your stories and highlighting these charities’ exceptional work. Your nominations have played a crucial role in our 25th birthday celebrations.
We look forward to sharing updates on our collective achievements and the positive impact we can create together.
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