How to create a memorable brand logotype

18 August 2023

Whenever we begin a brand identity project there are always important factors to consider, many of them before we put creative pen to paper.

Here are a few pointers…

1.  Know your client

It’s crucial to have a deep understanding of the organisation that you’re designing for. At Yellowyoyo we take the time to explore all aspects including personality, target audience and core values. This understanding guides the design process and ensures a true visual reflection of the brand.

2. Do your research

Alongside that, there’s research and analysis – we look at the market and carry out a competitive analysis. We’ll identify trends, and commonly used visual elements and look to learn from (never copy) those in the market who are performing well.  What makes them memorable? What are they doing to entice their audience?  

When we’re then considering the fuller picture, painting the brand’s personality – which includes the use of colour, imagery, styling, tone of voice etc  – we’ll also work to differentiate the organisation within their marketplace. How do we show customers that they’re not just better, but different and better?

3. Give it time 

Then we begin the creative process. Simplicity is generally key. I’ve written a blog on this already here which you might like to refer to. 

We tend to avoid complex illustrations or intricate typography that may be difficult to understand or reproduce in different sizes. We aim for our designs to be clean, clear and uncluttered. 

I’m Creative Director at Yellowyoyo, but I’m still very much involved in the design of pretty much every project. I love the concept part of the process – the code-breaking, the challenge of creating a logo that can be put across in an instant something that begins to paint the picture of the personality and nature of an organisation.

But it’s not easy… design is a cerebral process, not a tap that can be turned on. Creativity can take time, but it’s always worth it. 

4. Aim for unique

Very rarely now is anything totally unique. Just about every type of form and icon is already out there somewhere, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nowhere left to go, creatively. 

I consider the skill that we bring to be in crafting elements that add a twist, intrigue or surprise, that make people have that penny drop moment – seeing a hidden shape, or type linkage. It’s often about the clever finessing of a very simple graphic marque that turns a good solution into an award-winning one.

A brand’s logotype should be as unique and distinctive as possible. Doing your homework (point 2) and avoiding like the plague the use of obvious, generic symbols. Be wary of using fonts that can easily be confused with other brands, and of using just a typeface with no unique characteristic to give it any individuality.

Whilst we’re talking fonts, use them wisely. Typography plays a significant role in your logotype, so be sure to select fonts that complement your brand identity, those that are legible and balance well with any icon that you’re using.

5. Colour

Colour impacts our perception of a product or brand, so palette selection is crucial too. I’ve written a blog on the power and influence of colour here for you to refer to. 

6. Clarity and accessibility

It’s important to test the scalability and versatility of the logotype you’re designing. Does it work effectively at different sizes and in varying formats, such as print, digital and social media?  Do you need variants of the logotype to ensure legibility at different scales?  Does the nature of the logotype change/does it work successfully on different backgrounds?

Creating an accessible logotype design is crucial to ensure everyone, including those with varying abilities, can interact with your brand. 

High contrast colours help when it comes to visibility for individuals with different types of colour blindness. Additionally, the design should be simple and clear to allow for easy recognition, even for those with cognitive disabilities.

The logotype’s typeface being legible at different sizes will ensure that those with visual impairments can read it easily. An accessible logotype is not just about legal compliance; it’s about empathy, inclusivity and broadening your brand’s reach to every potential customer.

Logotypes are my favourite things to create. So what do I consider a successful solution to be? I’d say a simple, clear solution that’s memorable and begins to put across a brand’s character. It should make perfect sense and be at the heart of a brand’s story. 

If you’d like to talk about your business design and branding needs in more detail and would like to understand how we can help you adapt your brand strategies, then contact us at, call 01908 980 400 or leave a message here.

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