Sort it out in a Productisation Workshop…
Wouldn’t it be just the best use of a morning if you were to group your top-team together in a room, and have us shake your solutions-tree, and just watch what drops out? The best outcome would be that by lunchtime you’d know and be able to present exactly what’s for sale, and be completely clear about who is most likely to buy it..
You already know what’s for sale of course. You have a list of skills and competencies, solutions and mechanisms to solve all manor of conundrums, for countless industries and sectors. However, once you ignite that spark of interest in your prospect, with a round of clever marketing, what can your prospect actually buy? A bunch of hours and expertise, sure, but what’s it called, what’s in the box, and what does it cost?
We’ve had in incredible year of helping good businesses become great through re-thinking what’s actually for sale, and then helping them package just that, ready for sale.
You could of course do it yourself, or you could just employ us to do it with you. Either way, before you next go to market, armed with a bunch of what we do and how we do it messages, consider WHAT’S ACTUALLY FOR SALE. (Productisation).
A Yellowyoyo productisation workshop – That’s what’s for sale round our house… Get in touch.