This Monday, 16 October – World Food Day – over 250 local businesses, community groups and organisations did something truly incredible…
..broke a Guinness World Record!

Yellowyoyo took part in the challenge to create the longest continuous line of food cans – the final count was 102,447 – snaking around Campbell Park, Milton Keynes. The line began at the World Food Day pillar at Milton Keynes Rose.
This event will provide more than half of the canned food that MK Food Bank needs for an entire year, meaning that they can continue to support thousands of families this winter.
During the first half of 2023, demand increased by almost 40% on the same period as last year and the number of households receiving support doubled. Every single day, the Food Bank needs a minimum of 4,500 food items, £530 and 55 volunteer hours just to keep open.

This from Louisa Hobbs, Operations Manager at MK Food Bank:
“We’re only just emerging from the utterly crazy world that was #MKCan and finding that there’s nothing like the arrival of 102,447 cans into your warehouse to bring you back down to earth!”
Congratulations to everyone involved in this phenomenal show of community strength.
We were proud to have been a part, and to have proved without a shadow of a doubt, that MK ABSOLUTELY CAN!