CEO SLEEPOUT MILTON KEYNES – MK College, Bletchley, Milton Keynes – 14.11.24
Last week our Creative Director Amanda stepped up and spent a night outside, to raise awareness and funds for local homelessness charities, through CEO Sleepout, of which she is a proud local Ambassador.
This year, 40 big hearted local business leaders took up the challenge. The figure raised is yet to be announced, as it’s still rising, but the aim is to get to £50,000. As of Thursday evening the amount was £42,000. It’s now £46,000.
A few words from Amanda:
“That was a pretty cold night… to be expected of course, mid November, but then doing this in the summer months wouldn’t have the same impact. We were very lucky that it was dry – that wasn’t the case last year.
Our evening began with presentations from the local charities that will benefit – YMCA Milton Keynes, The Bus Shelter MK and Unity MK – focusing us all on why we were taking part.

This is my third Sleepout, and every time is just as emotional. One night outside in no way replicates a life on the streets, but it’s a humbling glimpse.
I find it impossible to fathom how homeless individuals continue to function, given the discomfort and constant state of fear for their safety. It must be completely exhausting. And with the nights getting so much colder, the situation only worsens.

Thank you to everyone who has given so generously to help me to help others. And there’s still time to donate even just a small amount, if you can…
Thank you so much”
If you’d like to know more about CEO Sleepout – maybe you’re big hearted enough to get involved next year? – please do contact Amanda. As a Milton Keynes Ambassador for CEO Sleepout she’ll be delighted to answer any questions.